Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Semi Automatic or 38..and good customer service

OK, as I have mentioned before, my life is never boring.....I try but things just happen.
Today, while on my way into the local Von's to get some chicken for lunch ( I was going to McDonald's but went for healthy) I was confronted, at the door, by two men. They stopped and looked at me, I looked at them, we played that ..who is entering and who is leaving game. One man dropped his bandanna...hmmmmm. As they bolted out the door the manager looked at me and said the stores just been robbed. I am not too bright sometimes. All I could think about was, Damn dare they!! I went after them to see if I could catch the lic. number on their car. As they dashed down the sidewalk one of them dropped his gun..a semi-automatic handgun..probably .9 mm .45 mm. They took off running no vehicles in sight.

I go back into the store to do my shopping...well that was not going to happen right away. The police came and questioned me..yes I am a great eyewitness, down to shape, size, hats, clothes, ages...then the loss prevention guy...all good. Police ask me about the gun..I told them and he asked me barrel or semi-automatic. Semi-Automatic, of course. How could you tell maam...? Well A barrel gun would not slide as easily across the concrete and this one was flat and by the way, did I mention I used to shoot with my friend Gene, years ago..I know a 38 from a 360 magnum..a semi-automatic from a .22 caliber and a 30-6 from anything...

I think I kind of scared the checker Leon, who actually sold the guys a gallon of milk (later found dumped behind the Marshall's) and handed them an application for a Von's Club Card....Now that is customer service......


Dana said...

What the heck!!??!! Lori did your see your shout out on my blog?

I am looking forward to seeing you :)

Can't wait to hear what you learned.

I love you!

FY said...

Oh my...... (i can't finish my sentence) You really amaze me everytime I read your blog I actually regularly check for new ones... I think I'm addicted. I miss you SO.