Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So much to do!!!

My lovely daughter is getting married in less than three weeks. There is so much to do. I remember my first blog was about the proposal and now the day is drawing near. I still have bridesmaid dresses to sew but all in all..things are pretty much handled (I think). Last weekend we had our big show..Arabia Exotica. Wow, it was pretty amazing. For that event I made another 18 costumes for a drum solo number. Then there were the 32 other costumes I made..and I a have orders for Jane Austin costumes and more belly dance costumes....All of which I am grateful to do in this challenging economy..but after November 22..the sewing machine and all my stuff gets tucked away so that I can use my dining room again ....as a dining room. The holidays are also fast approaching. Amanda and Jesus should be in their new house before the wedding and I can barely wait to help them make it a home. So much to do....so little money :)